Swati Lathia

Learning ways

Author : swatilat

Proof of n(A U B) = n(A) + n(B) – n (A ∩ B) by Venn Diagram

  1. Proof : Distribution Law of Union over Intersection
  2. Proof : Distribution Law of Intersection over Union
  3. De Morgan’s Laws
  4. Prove That A U (A ∩ B) = A
  5. Prove That : A ∩ (A U B) = A & (A – B) ∩ (B – A) = Φ
  6. n(A U B) = n(A) + n(B) – n (A ∩ B)

Video Tutorial

Click here to watch the new videos of De Morgan’s Law :

Maths : Set Theory

Click Here to Check the followings

  • Definition of Set &
  • Types of Sets
    • Finite Set
    • Infinite Set
    • Singleton Set
    • Empty Set
    • Equal Sets
    • Equivalent Sets
    • Subset
    • Proper Subset
    • Universal Set
    • Power Set
  • Operation on Sets
    • Union of Sets
      • Properties of Union of Sets
    • Intersection of Sets
      • Properties of Intersection of Sets
  • Proof : Distribution Law of Union over Intersection
  • Proof : Distribution Law of Intersection over Union

How to make a perfect Pie chart using CSS Gradients

You just need to provide border-radius 50% to remove a corner of a given area/square/rectangle. If you want to start your color at a specified angle, then you must provide the color name with starting angle & the same color name with the ending angle. Ending angle of last color need not to be provided. It automatically ends & fills the color.

  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
  background-image: conic-gradient(Pink,pink ,purple,purple,green,green,blue);
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
  background-image: conic-gradient(Pink 0deg,pink 90deg,purple 90deg,purple 180deg,green 180deg,green 270deg,blue 270deg);
      <h1>Pie Chart using Conic Gradient</h1>
      <div id="d1"></div><br><br>
      <div id="d2"></div><br><br>

Look at the output of above code

Pie Chart using Conic Gradient

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