Swati Lathia

Learning ways

One Mark Questions

Table of Contents

Full Forms

  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  • SEM – Search Engine Marketing
  • SMM – Social Media Marketing
  • SERP – Search Engine Result Page
  • QDD – Query Deserves Diversity
  • QDF – Query Deserves Freshness
  • URL – Uniform Resource Locator
  • CTR – Click Through Rate
  • PPC – Pay Per Click
  • CPC – Cost Per Click
  • OCR – Optical Character Recognition
  • AJAX – Asynchronous Javascript And XML
  • ROI – Return On Investment
  • CMS – Content Management System
  • SWOT – Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
  • PR – Public Relations
  • W3C – World Wide Web Consortium

‘Wh-‘ Questions

What is query/search query? –  To obtain information relevant to a specific set of keywords and/or phrases entered into a search field of Search engine is known as a query.

What is Adaptive Search? – Keeping track of users’ previous search queries and taking them into account when determining which results to return for a new query is known as adaptive search.

What is SERP? – Pages returned by search engines to fulfill a query is known as Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

What is Relevance? – It is the degree to which the content of the documents returned in a search matches the user’s query intention and terms.

What is Importance? –  It refers to the relative importance, measured via citation (the act of one work referencing another, as often occurs in academic and business documents), of a given document that matches the user’s query.

What is Citation Analysis? – Citation analysis is a way of measuring the relative importance or impact of  a website/page by counting the number of times that website/page has been cited by other websites.

What is Ranking factors or Algorithmic ranking criteria? – The criteria applied by search engines when they evaluate web pages in order to compile the rankings of their search results.

What is Semantic map? – The relationships between those concepts so that the search engine can better understand how to match the right web pages with user search queries.

What are Google Search Operators? – The combination of characters and/or special characters that extends the capabilities of simple regular text search and helps to SEO audits. Sometimes it is also called Google Advanced Search Operator.

What is Inbound Link? – The another site which links to your page/site is known as Inbound Link. This is one of the ranking factors for SEO. Simply, the links which you are getting from other sites is Inbound Links.

What is Outbound Link? – If you are linking to other website/page from your website, is known as Outbound Link.

What is Market Segmentation? It is the process to divide or categorize the target audience into different parts according to their interests or characteristics or may any other criteria. For example, demographics, location, gender, age group, trends, needs, interests etc.

What is Keyword Mapping? – It is an important process to map or assign a related keyword to different targeted pages of your website as a part of keyword research.

What is Spidering? – To crawl sites, search engines follow links to get from one site to another — ultimately, crawling across many billions of links and websites. This crawling behavior is sometimes known as “spidering.”

What is tag cloud? – The Tag Cloud widget shows a list of all the tags you’ve assigned to your posts. The most common tags will be displayed in the largest font size. This widget is helpful because it gives your readers an at-a-glance view of your favorite subjects,and let them know what topics you write about most frequently.

What is Pingback? – A pingback is a type of comment that’s created when you link to another blog post where pingbacks are enabled. The best way to think about pingbacks is as remote comments:

  • Person A posts something on his blog.
  • Person B posts on her own blog, linking to Person A’s post. This automatically sends a pingback to Person A when both have pingback enabled blogs.
  • Person A’s blog receives the pingback, then automatically goes to Person B’s post to confirm that the pingback did, in fact, originate there.

Let’s find some answer of followings

What is Trackback?

Difference between Dynamic & Static URLs.

What is Redirects?

What is Breadcrumb Navigation? Give an example.

What is robot.txt?

What is Keyword Cannibalization?

List server statistic software(s).

What is PageRank?

What is Link juice?

What is TLD?

What is Shared IP?

Which redirect is known as permanent & temporary respectively?

What is long tail query?

What is Subdomain? Give an example.

What is Pay level domain? Give an example.

List out Keyword Research Tools.

What is Landing page in web site?

What is seasonality & seasonal fluctuations?

What are indexable & non-indexable content on your web page?

List the reasons why web pages are not reachable for spider to crawl.

What is Sitemap.xml file?

What is the need of Sitemap file?

Differentiate Flat V/S Deep Site architecture

What is pagination? Why should it be avoided?

What is Spider Trap?

What is root domain?

What is the need of microsite?

List TLD other than .COM

What is Cookies?

What is Session Id?

What is Cloaking?

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