Table of Contents
Assignment – 1
The Search Engines: Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce
- What is Search Engine? Name at least 10 search engines.
- List Major Search Engines and name of their founders
- What is SEO? Why should we do SEO?
- Explain how search engine works.
- List name of algorithms used by Google.
- Explain basic types of search engines.
- Explain types of queries used by searchers with example.
- Which technique is cost effective to be #1 in SERP?
- What is Blended Search? Which company introduced it first?
- Why Universal search is more user friendly than textual (link based) search?
- Explain On page & Off page SEO.
- Which site(s) wants to be #1 in PPC ? Why ?
- Explain Natural/Organic/Unpaid Search & Paid Search.
- Define PPC.
- Define CTR.
Search Engine Basics
- Explain the basic elements of Google SERP
- Google collectively refers “One Box” results: Name it. List 10 search queries.
- Which content can be seen by search engines?
- Which content can not be seen by Search Engine? What are the alternatives?
- What are two main factors to rank the result by Search Engine? Explain them.
- What is document analysis?
- What is “Word Problem” and “Diversity”? Explain with example.
- List all positive ranking factors. Explain any 4 of them.
- List all negative ranking factors. Explain any 2 of them.
- List country specific search engines.
Practical performance: Advanced Search operators
Assignment – 2
Determining SEO Objectives & Defining Site’s Audience
- Explain direct traffic.
- Explain Lead Generation & Direct Marketing.
- Explain SEO for Ideological Influence.
- List out the factors that helps to understand your site’s audience &
explain any one of them - Explain Advanced techniques for planning of SEO.
- Explain QDD with example.
First Stages Of SEO
- List the Players and their processes of Site Development.
- How can you find out site’s strength , weakness, opportunities & threats or Explain SWOT analysis.
- What is Keyword Cannibalization? How to solve it?
- How to define your site’s information architecture according to technology?
- Explain how you fix internal linking problems.
- List and explain elements of audit that can be implemented by SEO practitioner.
- List and explain the factors included in Structural Decision of your site’s informational architecture.
- Explain any two server statistic software.
- Explain types of Site Changes that can affect SEO.
- Explain Server & Hosting Issues.
Assignment – 3
Developing an SEO-friendly website
- List common reasons why pages may not be reachable
- Explain Layout of XML sitemap
- Explain Flat V/S Deep architecture
- What is root domain & subdomain?
- List the factors that help to optimize domain names/URLs
- What should be taken care while optimizing image tag?
- How do the search engines identify duplicate content?
- How to avoid duplicate content on your site?
- What is Cloaking? When to show different content to user and search engine?
- Explain robots.txt with its syntax
- Explain the parameters of robot meta tag
- Explain Good & Bad Redirects
- How to ensure the CMS is search engine friendly?