Swati Lathia

Learning ways

Excel Source/Destination Error Solution in ETL (Data Warehouse)

Sometimes, we face an issue related to excel source or destination. We get an error like “Excel Source/destination failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C” or “SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager “Excel Connection Manager” failed with error code 0xC0209303″. The reason for this run-time error is that Excel does not have a 64-bit driver which is selected by default in SSIS running on 64bit OS. 

To solve this issue, follow these steps :

Step 1 – Select Project Menu -> [Project Name] Properties

Step 2 – In left sidebar, there is a Configuration Properties . Select Debugging. In Right sidebar, There is an option Run64BitRuntime. Set this property from “True” to “False”

Now Press Apply n OK. That’s it. Have Fun!!.

Google Trends Report on Social Media

Look at the change of trends from one social media to another one.

This is just past one month analysis taken from Google Trends, which clearly says that the changeover is really dramatic. The interest of one social media has been taken over by another strong social media.

You can check it out your own words of interest by using this magical tool named “Google Trends”.

You can use it as Keyword Research Tools as well, as it serves vast data related to your words/keywords.

Here is its website URL. Go and check it out some interesting facts


Google Sandbox : A belief

Google sandbox is a filter to prevent the new websites to check them whether they are spam or not , or we can say it is a filter which checks the new website is as relevant as the older one or no. Because they are not as popular(relevant) as the older sites are. So sometimes, web content developer feels exhausted as their site can not be at the top on SERP of google as the sandbox tries to verify the newer site.

This observation of google sandbox depends on the quantity and quality of keywords of your site have. It may take 6 to 8 months to keep your site in sandbox.

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